As a fertility business, you want to be found in all the places that those seeking information are looking. You want to be engaging with people the way they are used to engaging eg. via social media. You want to be liked and trusted.

If you’re not engaging with people correctly, do you think they’ll come to you? I’m looking for early adopters to come onboard a brand new interactive platform to help you reach the people that need your service which is why this guide has been created.

Are you ahead of your competitors with your digital marketing? Did you know that more of us watch rather than read content in our timeline when flicking through social media? Or that 45% of people watch more than an hour of Facebook or YouTube videos a week?

I know I’m not alone in saying this, but the online #TTC community has been an absolute game-changer for people dealing with infertility. The support being given is absolutely incredible and so powerful. If you didn’t know about the amazing Instagram #TTC community,  the powerful facebook groups and twitter conversations then you are more disconnected from your audience than you realise.

The Fertility Podcast

Now imagine, if I told you that as well as being a trusted voice within this community, I’m in it daily. As a former patient, I’ve dedicated the last four years to creating The Fertility Podcast a valued resource for anyone trying to start or complete their family. I also provide a place for those dealing with miscarriage or baby loss to share their stories and to talk about being childless not by choice. All areas of the family building journey that so many of us have to deal with. The Fertility Podcast is listened to in over 50 countries and has had almost 150,000 downloads.

With the work I do, I’m offering you an insight into the online #TTC communities. That is what my content is all about – the people. I’m building a bridge between the patient and the industry. Are you tempted to cross it and show your face?


Digital Marketing

You see digital marketing is constantly advancing to keep up with the changes on major platforms such as facebook and google are making with its algorithms. It’s not enough to just keep putting content on your website and assuming people will read it. People need to see you and hear from you and be able to ask you questions. Then they can build a relationship with you.  Now you might be reading this thinking you have an agency dealing with your ‘social media and digital marketing’ but are they connecting with the niche #TTC audience that you need to be speaking to because I am.

Do you know if the content you are making sharable, are the webinars good enough quality or is the sound not great? Have you heard that social video generates 1200% more shares than text and images combined.

There are many fascinating online video insights which I will share more of over time,  another benefit of being part of this platform. However, the reason for this blog is to explain why I stepped out from behind my microphone where I’ve been so comfortably creating The Fertility Podcast for the last four years and have stepped in front of the camera to  create The Ultimate Fertility Guide

I want there to be a place where you can list your business and speak directly to your audience. It makes perfect sense to use live streams and sharing all your expert knowledge. Plus you get the added benefit of the creation of a digital asset to use in your social media marketing.

Now surely, you don’t want your business to miss out on that? 

Having spent a weekend chairing panel discussions at Fertility Fest  a common theme that was discussed was the lack of emotional support from the industry. Whether it’s for people dealing with all the mental health implications of failed treatment, the overwhelm and stress of making decisions, how to manage your career, how to make the right choices as to whether to try again, freezing your eggs, go abroad for treatment – it’s a long list that is not being served. I was streaming the Fertility Fight Club each day, via my facebook page and to date each one has had over 1k views which will only grow. People want to see and hear people talking about this topic.

What needs to happen is the trust needs to be regained between patients and the ‘industry’ There has to be more conversations about the emotional care needed for people, from the start of treatment to the end – including when it goes wrong and it should be free.

People need to be able to talk about their expectations of treatment, the financial implications, whether a person or a couple is emotional fit enough to embark on this kind of treatment.

More thought has to be put into when women are in hospital having suffered a miscarriage and are put on a maternity ward. Also making sure a GP knows about PCOS or Endometriosis or knowing that a Man with a low sperm count should maybe speak to an Andrologist rather than being fast tracked to a fertility clinic.


It is very apparent that there is a huge disconnect between what people trying to conceive want and need and what the fertility industry and the NHS is doing to provide support.

By creating this platform I am hoping to make it possible for all of this to happen more frequently and with ease.

Of course, change doesn’t happen over night but I’m convinced that by bringing together a wide range of experts speaking about their services and enabling people to ask questions live, from the comfort of their own home we can start to see a better level of care offered?

If you’d like to get your business listed click here and if you need more convincing and would like a chat, please do schedule a call with me here 

Check out our latest stream which in 24 hours has had over 400 views